Get answers to your questions about ePAYSLIP.
If you miss something or have an additional question, feel free to contact us. Call us or use our contact form.
Can the employee print out his archived documents?
Yes, of course
How are employees notified about new documents?
The notification is automatically sent by e-mail.
How secure are my documents with ePAYSLIP?
Your documents are extremely secure through 256bit SSL encryption of the transmission. In addition to the usual professional data backups, documents and files are also daily mirrored online and per second on a backup server that is physically separate from the main server. The TMS team has over 15 years of experience in ASP, SaaS and online archiving. The ISO9001 certification from TMS guarantees the highest level of security. Here you will find a flyer with further information.
Can I use ePAYSLIP with my exisiting payroll system?
Yes, because ePAYSLIP is system-independent and can be used with any payroll software.
How do I upload the payroll documents to the ePAYSLIP portal?
There are various possibilities for this, e.g. with our “Payroll Connector”.
How do I set up the users?
The users for each employee can be transferred manually or also completely automatically via our UploadCOntroller.
How do you ensure that the employee only has access to his own documents?
For ePAYSLIP, a user rights management is available. This can also be operated externally via API. Each employee sees only his own, personal documents.
Do I have to informe the workers council about the implementation of ePAYSLIP?
According to general legal opinion, the works council has no general right to co-determination on this topic. There is, of course, an information right. We recommend an early information of the works council. We are happy to assist you in this matter.
Do you have reference clients?
Yes, a lot of companies already use ePAYSLIP. We are happy to arrange a contact with an existing client. A user report is available here:
How much money do I save with ePAYSLIP?
With ePAYSLIP you can reduce about 70% of your costs and expenses for printing, packaging and postage of your payslips.
How secure are the Login´s of users?
For the Login, a user needs a user name and a password. You can determine the complexity of the password. In addition, you can activate a multi-factor authentication (PIN sending by SMS or e-mail). Likewise optional IP filters can be set.
Can the portal be operated with its own name and logo?
Yes, ePAYSLIP is completely whitelabel-compatible and adapts to your CI’s wishes.
How about the setup costs for ePayslip?
For the standard setup of ePAYSLIP we usually charge one day.
For more complex requirements with specific customizations (e.g., Interface, API, Integration, WhiteLabel, etc.), few costs might be charged.
What is the monthly cost of use?
You can find our prices here on the homepage under the category / epayslip / prices
Can I also archive other documents with ePAYSLIP?
Yes, with ePAYSLIP you can optionally provide your employees with many other document types in digital form. Searchable PDFs, TIFF files and Microsoft Office documents are also fully text indexed. So it is also possible to search for the contents of documents.
Is it possible to do a mass import of encrypted payroll documents?
Yes, from any payroll system, your earnings statements can be conveniently archived securely and encrypted using the Payroll Connector. Likewise, other documents from your payroll can be automatically archived.
What about the performance of ePAYSLIP?
By connecting our data centers to Internet backbones, we offer maximum access speed. Likewise, the application is designed for very large amounts of data and many accesses. The speed depends only on the available bandwidth in the company.
Is ePAYSLIP auditable?
Yes, e.g. you can archive tax-relevant documents with ePAYSLIP. They are stored auditable according to the provisions of the GDPdU and GoB.
Can ePAYSLIP be integrated into other applications or an intranet portal?
Yes, we provide an appropriate API for integration with other products.
Do I have to install additional software on the client?
No, ePAYSLIP works with all popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. So you can use ePAYSLIP also on smartphones and tablets.
What happens when our contract expires?
All archived documents can be exported at any time from ePAYSLIP with the associated index.